Monday, September 21, 2015

The attached was written by me on May 22, 2011, four and a half years ago.

I have spent the past two days fuming over President Obama’s insulting comments about Israel and what they have to do to establish peace in the Middle East. This is not the first time that a Democratic President has thrown Israel under the bus. In 2005 former President Bill Clinton unveiled a plan very similar to the plan discussed by President Obama on May 19th. There are those who are saying, “What’s the big deal? President Bush, on June 24, 2002 proposed the same thing.” Not believing this to be so, I went to the archives and found what is called THE BUSH PEACE PLAN. The Bush peace plan nowhere discusses pre-1967 borders. However it requires that the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world as well as the international community act and perform in a manner which gives recognition to Israel and stops all attempts to obliterate the country. My friends, this is not the same as the Obama proposals.

Obama’s “plan” is similar to Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” speech after meeting with Adolph Hitler and we all know where that brought us. Mr. Obama is so set on establishing a record as world peacemaker that he has continually spoken against Israel and has continually apologized to the world for the United States keeping the world safe for democracy.

When George Mitchell resigned last week, it was said he was frustrated that nothing was being accomplished. A week later I am a believer that his resignation had something to do with President Obama’s position on Palestine and Israel.

What frustrates me is that the liberal Jews have said nothing about Obama’s position. They are still supporting everything this man says and hope that it all blows over before the 2012 election.  The orthodox Jews have never supported Obama and they are up in arms about his speech. Jewish acquaintances of mine who supported Obama in 2008 are still not saying a negative word about him. They are in fact endorsing his point of view. These are the descendants of people who lived in Germany in the 1930’s and, when Hitler came to power refused to believe that his goal was to eradicate the Jewish people. Are the leaders of the Arab states any different? I don’t think so. They have been trying to obliterate the State of Israel since its formation in 1948, 63 years ago. The Jews in the United States turned a blind eye to what was going on in Europe before our entry into World War II. The Jews in the United States spent millions of dollars to free Soviet Jews in the 70’s and 80’s. The Jews in the United States raise millions of dollars for Israeli Bonds and they make countless trips to the middle-east to show their support of Israel. And yet, for the most part, they support Obama’s “peace plan.” There is such inconsistency here that I cannot fathom.

After Netanyahu’s meeting at the White House Friday, May 20th, he (Netanyahu) addressed the media and gave an eloquent address to the press. I liken this address to Abba Eban’s speech before the United Nations on October 30, 1956 to discuss the Sinai Campaign.

Today President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu will be addressing AIPAC. AIPAC issued a plea to its attendees to show the President respect. I am sure they will show respect but I am sure they will not agree with what he has to say.

Interesting to say the least.

Saturday, September 12, 2015.

My friends:

September 11 and December 7 should be a national days of mourning; as important as Armistice Day which we now call Veteran’s Day (November 11). Unlike every other “holiday” in this country, it should not be another retail day. We, as citizens, should be able to sit and reflect on the horrors that our country faced as we were attacked and which actions brought us into wars. We tend to forget the bad things that happen because psychologically it is not good for the soul to harp on those things. However, we must make our motto on those days as “Lest We Forget”. “Lest We Forget” became a rallying cry of Jews all over the world asking us to remember the Holocaust and cautioning us to be ever vigilant of people who still adhere to the Nazi hatred of Jews. Jews all around the world celebrate Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is observed on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (April/May).

Yesterday I posted on Facebook and I was, in their opinion, showing hatred instead of observing a day of remembrance. Yet, truth be told, it was just this observance that caused me to be snarly and angry. It was this observance that made me reflect on what was occurring right here in our United States. You see, the question of the Nuclear Peace Treaty was up for a vote before the House of Representatives. Just the day before the Senate had raised enough votes to defeat cloture which, in essence, was a definitive statement of support for the “treaty”. The House overwhelmingly voted to not accept the treaty. In another vote the House voted that the President has no authority to remove the sanctions against Iran until January 21, 2017, the first day that Obama would not be president. This part of the vote could basically kill the deal and we would not be giving the Iranians $150 Billion. This is yet to be determined, although I believe that it will be impossible for Obama to get past this as efforts on his behalf could be tied up in the courts for years.

Now as to my snarly mood yesterday. I counted the Jewish Senators who voted with the President and, in  my opinion, against the State of Israel. Feinstein, Boxer, Blumenthal, Franken and Sanders. They all voted against Israel. Had they voted the other way, there would have been a 63 to 37 vote and you would not have to read this. But these Senators who are more afraid of losing support from the Democratic National Committee than from their constituents went against their principles. An individual with no principles is not worth a dime. I may not be perfect but I have my principles and I will defend my principles to my death.

Charles Schumer, Senior Senator from New York voted his principles (although there are naysayers who feel he would have lost his bid for reelection if he voted otherwise) and in doing so may have given up his chance to become the next Democratic Majority leader in the Senate. I don’t care for his politics but he has shown be that he has the “balls” to stand up to the Party. Debbie Wasserman Schultz head of the Democratic National Committee who has won election after election in her south Florida district which is predominantly Jewish, succumbed to White House pressures. Since last Sunday, when she shed tears on television about the difficulty of her decision, she has been attacked by her constituency. I don’t think she expected this reaction and I am so happy for her.

The President chooses to enter into an agreement which would be his legacy, since he really has nothing else to be proud of. He has shown disdain for Netanyahu and Israel ever since January 20, 2009. He has kicked dirt into the faces of the people who backed him 100%. The Democratic Liberals felt it was their duty to elect and African American President even though he had no qualifications for the job. They were fooled twice and should all be embarrassed. But then this was the same group who voted for another incompetent in 1976. What do Carter and Obama have in common? They both hate Israel and make no secret about it.

So about this treaty. What does it really say? What are the secret backroom agreements about? Who has had access to the entire agreement including the backroom agreements. Or in the brilliant words of Nancy Pelosi, do we…” first have to pass the law to see what is really in it.” That is why, as sure as I am sitting here, Israel is increasing its nuclear arsenal day by day and since there is no agreement, they don’t have to let anyone see it. Mark my words, the first time Israel feels threatened they will not be afraid to use them. And I for one am in total agreement with that.

“My country tis of thee, of thee I sing.” However, I was not singing while watching CSPAN on September 10, 2015. I was angry.

Sunday September 6, 2015

I posted on Facebook about the Kentucky Civil Service employee, Kim Davis, who refused to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. I was very happy to see that most people agreed with my view. However there was one gentlemen who sent me negative comments all through the post, stating the woman was right because it was against her religious beliefs. This from a woman whose view of the sanctity of marriage does not exist. She has been married four times; once to the same man twice. She has had children with a man who gave up the children to the second husband for adoption. Obviously this lady decides to pick and choose which religious tenants she proscribes to.

When she took the job and became a civil servant she became subject to the laws of the land. She agreed to defend the constitution of the United States. And our constitution now respects and accepts same sex marriage. If she is sitting in jail and collecting a salary the city that she is employed by should suspend payments immediately. While in jail, she is costing the same tax payers that she refuses to service money. I would move to dismissing her for cause and taking away her pension and other benefits. And then let her out of jail and send her on her miserable way.

My critic tried to relate this action to Martin Luther King going to jail for his actions in the 1960’s. What the Reverend King did was protest against the people who were transgressing against the constitution. His protests and walks and sit ins were due to the fact that people in the south were going against the 14th Amendment and taking away the Civil Rights of the Blacks. Ms. Davis’ stand was completely juxtaposed to this concept.

A private individual has the right to turn away prospective clients or customers. A public official has to treat EVERYONE equally under the law. Because the Constitution of the United States demands it.

So I say Kim Davis, you are a stupid, stupid lady who got your fifteen minutes of fame. Like Sandra Fluke you will be a laughing stock and nothing more than a footnote in some religious history book. And don’t try to run for office because, like Fluke, you will be defeated.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The first news of the morning was about Donald Trump and how he would not permit an arrogant reporter from bursting in on his news conference. The reporter was escorted out of the room because he was interrupting the conference. He then was allowed to return and when Trump called on the Univision anchor later on, the same arrogant reporter did not ask questions but gave his feelings about what the Donald was preaching. He wasn’t there to ask, he was there to disrupt. My friends, Donald Trump is entertainment as well as putting forth the real problems that we are facing in this country. By taking the offensive he has forced the others to be on the defense. They are answering Trump rather than putting forth their visions; they are proving to be ineffective. Only Carly Fiorina remains on the offense and that is probably because she is not considered a real candidate for President. However, do not count her out as a vice presidential candidate.

One thing that is interesting is that the more Donald comes out with his statements, the news reports about that and puts the Hillary scandal on hold for a while even though they still have the idiot Howard Deans and James Carville out there saying she did nothing wrong. I would like to know who Howard has spoken to at the White House that told him Hillary was safe. Meanwhile Josh Ernest said yesterday that Barak Obama’s best political decision was to pick Joe Biden as his Vice President. Interesting.

As I was getting ready to check my mail and review my Facebook account (first I checked to see that my social security check hit the bank….it did.) I hear that a Roanoke Virginia news reporter and camera man were killed by a shooter who remains at large. This craziness has to stop. And no one knows how to prevent these things from happening. There are those who are calling for gun control and the politicians on both sides of the aisle refuse to address it. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. True. However, it would be impossible to pinpoint those people who would be amongst those to kill people. If you could tell you could lock them up as infants. Police in New York are now offering protection to other reporters as they feel that there are many copy cats out there. I say the police should just shoot to kill and avoid spending a lot of money on trials and prison terms.

(Now the report has come out that the killer is a disgruntled employee. They know who he is and they are chasing him right now. an arrest is imminent. I hope he turns his gun on the police so they can just shoot the man.

Look at the Colorado crazy who opened fire at the movie theatre. He will now serve life in prison. He should be hung in public so that people can see that we will not continue to put up with this crap. I believe in capital punishment. You kill, you die. End of story. ACLU be damned!

Now the news stations will cover this story all day long ignoring the political stories.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Let me being by saying that I have never been a straight party voter. I have voted for Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Al Gore as well as George W. I have reasons for everyone of my votes and will be happy to discuss them whenever you wish. I admit that in 2008 I voted for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary. Due to backroom deals the Florida Primary was thrown out and my vote along with it. I felt that Hillary was the better of the two candidates. After I was disenfranchised I registered as a Republican. Having said all that I want to press forward with the following:


“I can’t wait to vote for Hillary” This was a statement I heard not once, not twice but many times by women who are friends and or acquaintances of my wife. My response has always been the same. “Please tell me one thing that she has accomplished.” The blank stares I receive in return are priceless. There is no answer. She has accomplished absolutely nothing other than get elected Senator from New York and appointed Secretary of State by Obama due to a backroom deal between Obama and Bill Clinton. The deal was, “we will campaign for you if you promise to appoint Hillary Secretary of State.” Done deal. Washington at its finest.

I remember in January 1998, when Hillary went on the Today show and said that the allegations about Monica Lewinsky were false and nothing more than a “right wing conspiracy” all the time knowing that bill was dipping his cigar. She lied about coming under fire while visiting a foreign country as she made her way from a helicopter to safety. She lied about the Benghazi massacre saying that it was caused by a video which was shown on You Tube. She repeated this lie over the caskets of the four dead men when they were returned to Andrews Air force base. And when she was questioned by a Congressional Committee, she screamed, “What difference does it make, whose fault it was. Four people are dead.”

These are the rantings of a person who is so arrogant that she believes that she can say whatever she wants and the people will believe it. This is the feeling of the Clintons in general. They feel that they can say whatever they want and people will believe them. “My husband and I were penniless when he left the White House” Lie. Within a month Bill was earning $100,000 a speech. I should be so penniless.

The Clinton Foundation. Foundations are set up by people with millions of dollars. When they set up the foundation, they get a tax contribution deduction for the money used to set up the foundation and for any money given to the foundation. A foundation can have expenses that are deductible from income received by the foundation. I have never seen the financial statements of the foundation but salaries, travel expenses and other expenses are also deductible. Chelsea is a member of the foundation as well serving as Vice chairman. Because she was Chelsea Clinton  NBC hired her as a Consultant for Rock Center with that other liar, Brian Williams for $600,000 a year.

These are the actions of a family who feel they are entitled. That was also a deal between Bill and Obama. Obama agreed to support Hillary in 2016.

In the recent weeks Hillary is in the middle of another scandal. Her email scandal and her private servers on which government confidential information was posted. Clearly this was a violation of a law that went into effect in 2009. It is a law that General Petraeus was indicted for. We know that classified emails were back and forth between Hillary and Sidney Blumenthal a private citizen. And the FBI has uncovered as much as 305 such classified emails. And Hillary’s response is that it is a lot of nonsense and nothing more than politics. “It is a right wing conspiracy.”

Let me say that when the justice department and the FBI are investigating the is more than a “right wing conspiracy”. And her press conferences get worse each time she speaks. she throws her hands up in the air and storms off. that is so presidential.

The White House has a dilemma. Half of them are committed to Hillary and there are a growing number who want Joe Biden to run. There are “useful idiots” like John Dean, James Carville and Bill Richardson (back from the dead) who agree that this is a “right wing conspiracy”. They are not fooling anyone. MSNBC, this morning actually laughed at Carville and John Dean. Richardson who was persona non grata after coming out for Obama in 2008 is kissing their backsides in hope of having a job in her administration. Obama nominated him for Secretary of Commerce but he withdrew himself due to federal grand jury investigation.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Yesterday I happened upon a CSPAN sponsored book review of which Harper Lee, “To Kill a Mockingbird” and  “Go Set a Watchman” were the topics of discussion. The five panelists, who are supposed to be experts in literary critiques, were all over the place. Besides the moderator who began every sentence with “so”, the others were not impressive. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is considered “…one of the most iconic and widely read novels of the twentieth century…” and was published in 1960. Due to the fact that our country was going through civil unrest and we were between the 1957 Civil Rights legislation and the 1965 Civil rights legislation most of the readers, in my opinion, seemed to think that book took place in the fifties. The timing, as Lee wrote it, was between 1933 and 1936. I personally do not remember the mention of a date but I read the book over 50 years ago and race relations was a current topic when I read the book.

I think we all remember the movie more so than the book. I also think that the movie’s version with Gregory Peck portraying Atticus Finch led to the “iconic” stature of the book. Had another actor portrayed Atticus the feeling may not have been the same. In the sixties, during the Civil Rights movement, the  country (not in the south) looked upon Atticus as a hero. Atticus, as viewed through the eyes of  seven year old Scout, is a hero. I remember the lines spoken to Scout, “Stand up, your father is passing by” spoken by one of the Negroes in the Court gives additional credence to the heroic stature of Atticus Finch.

In 1936 Atticus defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. The argument presented by Atticus clearly shows that Tom Robinson is innocent but the all white jury finds him guilty. And it is the defense of Tom Robinson that makes Atticus the hero. He is considered a hero by the Negro Community, because of his defense of Tom Robinson, at a time when the Southern Negroes had no one to champion their cause.

Skip 20 years to the mid fifties and the timing of the book “Go Set a Watchman”. Scout comes home from New York to be with her father who is older and ailing. During her visit Scout finds out that her father is not the hero she thought he was. She happens upon a meeting where a group of men, Atticus included, are discussing the Negroes and the danger they presented to their way of life. The views expressed by Atticus are so “Unatticus”. Scout gets angry and upset and confronts her father. Remember that Scout is now a New Yorker and her views towards Civil Rights are liberal. “All men are created equal.” She can not understand this man who is her father feeling that way and she develops real anger. Eventually she returns to New York after having reconciled with her father.

Here is the problem that faced the many people who read the book. How could Atticus, this defender of the Negro, really underneath it all, be a racist? It knocks you for a loop. It takes away the beauty and nobility of the man so many of us grew to admire and love. What we have to understand is that Atticus is a product of his time. He grew up in the segregated south where the Negro was not considered to be an equal. To put this into perspective, remember that 1936 was only seventy years after the end of the Civil War. Today 2015 is almost eighty years after the time frame in which the book was written.

Atticus, besides growing up in a segregated south was also a man of the law. The law said that every man has the right to a fair trial. Therefore we have 2 Atticus’s with both men being true to their beliefs. The first Atticus believes that Negro is inferior and the second Atticus believes that all men are entitled to justice under the law, including Negroes.

In my opinion, at the end of the day, Atticus is still a hero because he was able to separate the two principles and be a man true to his convictions. Among those convictions was the culture in which he was raised. The other conviction is his love and belief in the law. The fact that Scout never knew that, growing up, what her father felt about Negroes is also important. He never imposed his culture on his children and allowed them to form their own opinions. This was not something that all southerners did, regarding their own children. Remember the song from the play, South Pacific, ” You’ve got to be taught….to hate and fear.”

In short, Atticus, to me, is still the hero and for those who feel let down because of his cultural beliefs, I say, analyze the man and “get over it” and in the immortal words of Scout, “Hey Boo”.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

There are several areas I want to touch upon today. To begin with, yesterday I posted on Facebook that as long as Republican Candidates are being asked if they believe abortion is right or wrong, I would want the same questions posed to the Democratic candidates. I personally am not in favor of abortion but I  believe in the woman’s right to choose. Many of the Democratic voters vote against a candidate who questions Roe V Wade. However, I believe that many of these same voters cast their ballot because they believe the Candidate agrees with them as far as believing abortion is ok. Asking the same question of both party’s candidates levels the playing field. If these voters know that most of the candidates believe that abortion is bad on both sides of the aisle and they are smart enough to understand that Roe v Wade is the law and a woman’s right to choose is safe, then maybe they will start to look at the candidates as a whole rather than on one issue. I posed the point on Facebook and during the past 20 hours my point has gotten into when the fetus is viable. Truthfully, the answer to that question is beyond my pay grade. I just want all the candidates asked the same questions so the voters can make intelligent decisions.

Now to Hillarygate. Sometime in June of 1972, I remember waking to the news that there had been a burglary attempt in the Democratic National committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. That was 43 years ago. I immediately stated that the White House must have been behind it. I was asked why, Nixon was so far ahead of McGovern it would be stupid. Well it was and it was. Both the White House was behind it and it was definitely stupid. At the end of 2 years of political intrigue on August 9, 1994 the President resigned. His resignation was not because of the break in, it was because of the cover up and it was a waste of time, effort and money. Had he addressed the issue at the beginning and cleaned house, he would have remained President.

This brings us up to Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate for the Presidency. The question arose several months ago about a private email server that contained classified emails. Since the day that the news broke, there has been a total cover up of the entire matter. She says that other Secretaries of State have used private servers so she was not in violation of any laws. Wrong. At the beginning of the Obama term, there was a law in place that you had to use a government server. She turned over everything to the Justice department. First she deleted emails and then turned over a server. And this was only after the justice department and the FBI said they were investigating. The lies keep coming and her arrogance keeps increasing.

What is really amazing is that she still feels, like in Cigargate, that all the pointing fingers are right wing conspiracies. My answer to her would be, “and if this was Dick Cheney what would you be saying?” Yesterday’s news conference was revealing as to her attitude. She really believes she is right and everyone else is just picking on her because she is a democrat. She still thinks she is right. Well Hillary, the Democrats are starting to shy away from you as well.

People, other than Democrats who really don’t care what is going on, love Hillary. These people love her because, she is a woman, she is a liberal and she has been politically active and in the public eye for 20 years. They think she is wonderful. When asked what has she accomplished, they look at you like you have two heads. But they cannot answer the question. She got elected Senator and in a backroom deal with Obama was named Secretary of State. But I ask again, what has she accomplished. She lied about the tape in regards to Benghazi and did it over the coffins of the four dead people at Andrews Air Force Base. She became angry at the questions regarding Benghazi at a Congressional Hearing and screamed at the questioner. It was if she was annoyed that the Committee had the nerve to call her up. The Liberal press really did not show the clip on the news. I did because I was watching. She is just arrogant and thinks she can do as she pleases. Hillary Bulletin!  You are not Bill!

After all these months, her popularity is waning and she is slipping in the polls. Most of her base has reached a point of mistrust. MSNBC, known for its liberal leanings, airs “Morning Joe” To a person they are all ripping into her. Only John Dean and Ed Rendell have supported her during the past two weeks. And these tow individuals would support a dishrag if it ran on the Democratic ticket. As far as Dean goes, he was taken to task by Mika Brzezinski who is also a left wing apologist and he sat there with what I used to call a shit eating grin. It’s time for her to step down and allow the process to go forward smoothly. If she is not toast then she is quickly becoming toast.

I also believe the White House is starting to distance itself from her. Not that Obama ever liked her. As I said above, her stint as Secretary of State was a deal that was made so Bill Clinton would go out and campaign for Obama in 2008.

Joe Biden get ready because your party is going to be calling you shortly.

Friday August 14, 2015

Less than 7 years ago,  Barack Obama became the Democratic Nominee for President of these United States and on the next evening, Joe Biden received the nomination for Vice President. John McCain had received the nomination from the Republican Party and for some reason , still unknown to anyone, and selected Sara Palin as his running mate. At this time in history John McCain appeared to be the favorite to succeed George Bush. But the economy hit a stone wall and banks failed and the average citizen lost their homes and their savings and their retirement funds. And when the dust cleared an unproven, unaware and definitely incompetent man was elected. Thanks to the Liberal Democrats especially the large Jewish population riding the mantle of “I hate Bush” the country had reached the dawning of a new era and a Black man had been elected President. This went a long way to proving that America had overcome its vicious hatred and prejudice. Or did it?

At one of his first quotes as President, when in a meeting to help sort out the economy he said to Republican lawmakers, “We won”. These two words were to become the mantra of the Obama Presidency.

And then he went around the world making an apology tour, begging forgiveness from other countries. Even a person who was not politically astute, could understand the damage this did to our esteem around the world. It made countries that took our money and hated us anyway, bold and feel they could do anything they wanted to us. Being war weary, no one in the country wanted boots on the ground anywhere and they were wishing for the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

He drew countless red lines during the last seven years that have been crossed and then did nothing as we were more ridiculed than before. In Benghazi our ambassador was assassinated and the attack was blamed on a video which we have all realized was false. And Secretary Hillary Clinton bought into the lie because she wanted Obama’s support in 2016. When she was questioned by Congress she became belligerent and said, “What does it matter. Four people lost their lives.” Well it mattered. And it does not look like she will get his backing anyway as she finds more ways to shoot herself in the foot.

But I think that worse thing that Obama has dome, along with Eric Holder,  is set back racial relations over 50 years. First it was Professor Gates of Harvard what not knowing what the facts were, the President said the police were wrong. Then there was Trevon Martin where he passed judgement prior to the trial and most recently it was the Michael Brown murder, where he refused to listen to the facts and sent his equally divisive attorney general to investigate.  In each case he was on the wrong side. And the people have realized that his concerns are all one sided. He cares not when a white person or and Asian or a Latino is killed. because to him “only black lives matter.”

He appointed Al Sharpton to a special committee to review race relations. Sharpton is a hate monger, owes million of dollars in taxes and is known for his anti-Semitic stance and who is given a news show on MSNBC has no right to be on any government committee. Just the other day Sharpton spoke about the 60th anniversary of the Watts riots. He was 10 years old during the riots and I am sure he did not understand what was going on.

And today we have reopened the US Embassy in Cuba which is a story for another day.

But on a positive note, there is only 524 days left of his presidency.

Thursday August 13, 2015

Yesterday’s television comments concerning Hillary did not resonate well with the Democratic Party so the heads of the liberal networks seemed to get to the moderators. This morning Mika had pro Hillary people stating that there “is nothing on the server that would hurt Hillary” and “she will still win the nomination”.

Income tax reform:

There are many people who have cash businesses and are able to hide the income. And there are the men and women who stand on street corners panhandling. A good corner can yield $50,000 a year and an average corner yields about $30,000. Taxes are not paid to the government. This includes social security, Medicare and income taxes. I couldn’t begin to estimate how much of a loss there is tax dollars. These people with the cash spend that money for food, clothing, gas and all other purchases. THEY PAY IN CASH. There are no charge accounts that can be monitored. Some money is even used to pay for private schools.

What I propose is a USE tax where EVERY purchase is subject to a 12.5% tax. Other  taxes on capital gains  and investment income can then be scaled down to workable 10-15%.

In this manner, everyone would pay a tax on what they use, including mortgage payments, rent, food, cars etc. This would nip the cheaters in the bud. The gross national product for 2014 was $32 trillion. A 12.5% use tax  would yield  $4 trillion in taxes to cover the $3.9 trillion budget.  The Federal budget assumes personal income taxes to provide only $1.48 trillion. My plan already provided additional $2.52 trillion and would provide a surplus instead of a deficit. Additional taxes $1.7 trillion come from payroll taxes; $1.07 trillion, Corporate taxes; $342 billion and other duties and taxes; $290 billion.

Add to this personal income taxes of 10% on capital gains and investments and we would be able to pay off the national debt within 10 years.

Is it perfect? Probably not but it is a start having everyone paying their fair share and not penalizing people who worked hard and made money. And it gets to tax the people who have been off the grid.

However, our Congressmen, all of whom should be replaced, will get up in their respective chamber and tell you how unfair it is to John Smith who doesn’t pay any tax now and who gets an earned income credit of $4,000. Well John’s earned income credit is already in the budget as an expense item and his Use tax would probably be $1,000. In these cases the earned income credit could be adjusted to take into consideration the additional tax paid.

Perfect? No. Better? I think so. Let me know what you think.


Wednesday August 12, 2015

Good morning.  I will try to use this forum of speaking rather than Facebook. I will try to report the news as it is reported each morning and I impressions and interpretation of said news. I did this in 2008 and wrote every morning and by the time Obama received the absurd Nobel Peace Prize I had written over 600 pages. I self published a book which I gave to my family and friends. I did not have a blog at the time. I will not publish a book this time. But I want you to understand that in my book, after four months of the Obama Presidency, my predictions were right on target.

I watch MSNBC until 9 AM and then I switch to CNN which gives more timely news than the other stations. I do watch Fox’s The Five and occasionally Outnumbered, which are totally biased.

I got up early to tune into Morning Joe on MSNBC. I like Joe Scarborough and enjoy listening to Mika Brzezinski when she is not rolling her eyes. For those of you who don’t know Mika’s father was National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. And we all remember the way the two of them handles the Iranian hostage takeover. It wasn’t until Reagan was sworn in that the Iranians released the hostages. (Carter gets up every morning and thanks god for President Obama so he can not be the absolute worst president in our history. Even William Henry Harrison who was president for about a month was not so bad.)

This morning the opening remarks were about Hillary being investigated by FBI and the Inspector General. Bernie Sanders has pulled ahead in Iowa and In New Hampshire and the Teflon is slowly eroding.

Other than Morning Joe MSNBC’s programming is full of far left liberals whose entire agenda is to bad mouth Republicans, Conservatives and Fox News. Could it be that the ratings have Fox as number 1 and MSNBC as dead last. Chris Matthews is an embarrassment and here is a network that employs a tax evader; Al Sharpton,  a plagiarizer; Mike Barnacle, and a liar; Brian Williams.

This morning they also had Howard Dean who is trying hard to get an appointment in the new Clinton Cabinet. He said that nothing will ever come of the investigations and Hillary did nothing wrong. Even Mika could not hold back from accusing him of being partisan. Mika said that she was sure that his answer would have been different if the person was a republican. Howard gave a real *&^eating grin and did not say a word.

The we had Al Sharpton who spoke on the 50th anniversary of the Watts riots as if he was there. Al you were 10 years old and I am sure you did not understand what was happening.

And then we come to the Donald whose popularity keeps surging in spite of himself.

One thing is for sure, it is going to be interesting for the next year before the conventions.

Interesting note from someone who has followed politics since my father sat me down in from of the television in 1952 and made me watch the conventions. He explained everything to me and I was hooked. I was 7 years old and I knew that Stevenson was running against IKE and that Richard Nixon was a bad person.

No one has brought up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish, although I have read some anti-Semitic comments on the RNC Facebook page. I am sure that as he gains more and more in the polls, this will be a factor.